About the blog ?
Two very complex technologies are used to build this blog, they are nammed html
and css !
I made this choice cause I dont want to deal with php, db, js.
It is also cause for this blog, I dont need a large CMS like wp, joomla etc.
They are good products (when they are used correctly) but it is very too much for very static site
and can introduce some security holes.
Ok, no, I use 3 technologies, the third one is bash<3!
I wrote a little script to manage articles, and indexes (index.html, articles/system/index.html, articles/code/index.html)
with two functions, create and delete.
About the codes ?
All codes here are not the best code you can find arround the internets, i am not a dev !They works and accomplish what I need to do so, perfect !
Yes, I try to respect some convention or sometimes 'good practices' but when it's for fun, let be free :)
Also, I will publish codes from orher times, very old, don't be too rude.
All codes can be refactored, feel free to do it. Feel free to use it, or not.
About the operator ?
Why this title "iamn0t.dev" ?Cause im a not a dev (yes i know the mistake but, for the style!).
What i mean by that it's simply my code are not pure, i am not prentending nothing.
I just play with some language to do what I imagine during my insomnias, principaly bash and python.
Ok, so what I do if im not a developper ? I'm just a simple sysadmin, passionate about *nix world.
I start this blog after many years in IT, many blog codded but never published, many ideas, bref,
now i decide to start publishing my stuffs, hope it can help or give some ideas.
Like this blog is new, I dont know if I will post some sysadmin articles like we have a tons on internets
about "devops" technologies, install, configuration etc.
I will see but for now I fill more interesting to post my dirty codes and my dirty projects !
IT Warrior <3